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Über Roland

There are many ways to appreciate music—the joy of creating an original song, the sense of fulfillment while playing an instrument, having a good time making music with your friends, singing something you love—the list goes on. Our mission at Roland is to bring the thrill and excitement of creative experiences to imaginative people all over the world. To achieve this we will make greater efforts to develop even better musical instruments and to create more opportunities and places for people to enjoy the experience of making music. Roland has a rich history of innovation including several “world’s first” electronic musical instruments and professional A/V products. Every time we open a door, a new possibility is waiting for us. This is why we commit to taking on new challenges and how we’ve continued to successfully leverage our prominent technology and global business presence for more than 40 years. Above all, to stand out as a company that resonates with our customers, fromprofessional to amateur, to music fans and creative people around the world, we will always do our best as a “Game Changer” and create new value by taking great leaps of imagination and vision.


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